
Welcome to the Luttig Family website. Originally, this site was created to give Curt a place to write his thoughts during his battle with ALS. It also was an informational portal for the Links Fore Tomorrow Golf Outing / Benefits for family, friends, and a community that supported Curt and his family. It also became a place to share pictures that also tell the story. Progressively, Curt's updates revealed wisdoms of life, filled with questions and points to ponder about what is really important in one's life. Curt was a gifted writer, a loving husband and a father who was as excited as his three children were to get home after a day's work and play ball in the front yard.

Much of this site has been left intact from shortly after Curt's diagnosis in December of 2009 thru his final post written to all of us on February 13, 2012. We encourage you to dig into this site, read thru Curt's updates and look at the photos. Many who followed Curt's updates say his writings should be compiled into a book. For now, they are here, intact to be shared and learned from.

Never Give Up! Cure F@.K=*ng ALS

ALS is terrible disease. It has next to no treatment and there is no cure. Recent years have brought hope, but for far too many a treatment or cure will not be available in time. While one side of this site is devoted to preserve how Curt and his family, faced with this disease, battled till the inevitable, the other side of this site is devoted to awareness. When Curt was diagnosed with ALS, probably only a handful of the nearly three hundred family and friends who attended the golf outings had even heard of the disease. Once associated with Lou Gehrig, there may be that "ah-ha" moment, but still, not many are familiar with how devastating this disease is.

We will share some of the promising news on the horizon with you. It is important to realize that a cure is obtainable. This makes it even more important now to help in any way possible. We ask you to help spread the word. Today more than ever, voices of many are being heard. Sign-up for our newsletter. We promise to not fill your in-box with numerous emails - but when we do feel it is important to get a message out, you'll hear from us.

We will Never Give Up - and we will Cure F@\£*ng ALS.

The Luttigs

Never Give Up Tshirts

Curtis Eugene Luttig

Curtis Eugene Luttig died on February 13, 2012 after a fearless fight against ALS at the age of 43 while surrounded by his family and his very close friends. | Continued

A Thank You from Leslie
With love…  It’s difficult to write this thank you, because my heart aches for the loss of Curt on February 13, 2012.  ALS is a disease that needs a cure, and I can only hope that you continue to raise awareness. | 

Update from Leslie (5-23-12)
I have been thinking about writing an update for some time, but like others, I struggle with the right words.  | Continued

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
Luttig children with flag flown over our nations capital in Curt's honor.
Sadye, Brantae and Quinn with the flag flown over
the United States Capital on February 17, 2012.

Flag of the United States of America
This is to certify that the accompanying flag was flown over the United States Capital on February 17, 2012

At the request of the Honorable Debbie Stabenow, United States Senator, this flag was flown in honor of Curtis Luttig for the impact he made on the lives of children in his community, and to honor him as a great husband, father and friend.

The following video was shared with the guests at the
2011 Links Fore Tomorrow Golf Outing and Benefit Dinner.
It gave Curt a chance to speak to everyone at the event.